現在ベータ版ですが ECS や Fargate でのアプリケーションの作成/リリース/管理するための開発者向けツールである「AWS Copilot CLI」を触ってみました.この記事でツールの概要,ツールの導入,サンプルアプリケーションのデプロイを通じてこのツールで AWS へのコンテナ環境構築とデプロイがシュッとできる感覚が伝われば幸いです✨
「AWS Copilot CLI」(以下 Copilot CLI)は,ECS や Fargate のアプリケーションの作成,リリース,運用する時に DevOps のベストプラクティスと本番環境に対応したインフラストラクチャのパターンを使った支援のためのツールにしていくことが記載されてます.
Our mission is to help customers build, release and operate applications on Amazon ECS with dev-ops best practices and production ready infrastructure patterns.
特徴としては Dockerfile とアプリケーションのコードさえあればターミナルで完結して10分以内に ECS 上でコードを動かせるようなので,この辺がシュッと環境構築とデプロイを行える所以です.
Got a Dockerfile and some code? Get it up and running on ECS in under 10 minutes, with just one command.Ready to take that app to production? Spin up new environments and a continuous delivery pipeline without having to leave your terminal.
利用シーンとして次のケースが列挙されています.開発からデプロイまで包括的にカバーしており,CI/CD パイプラインにも組み込んで使えるツールです.
すべてのマイクロサービスの CI/CD パイプラインを設定する
ecs-cli との関係
同じような CLI ツールに「ecs-cli」があります.違いが何かなと思ったら ECS CLI v2 版として位置づけられているのが「Copilot CLI」のようです.GitHub の ECS CLI v2 のリンクも「Copilot CLI」のリポジトリにリンクされていましたので「ecs-cli」の後継として今後のスタンダードツールになっていくものと想像してます.開発者向けツールであるためDeveloper Experienceにフォーカスしているのが特徴ですね.
The ECS CLI v2 is a brand new CLI focused on the full developer experience of building, deploying and operating your containerized apps. From helping manage all of your infrastructure, to setting up CD Pipelines, the V2 is here to help. The ECS CLI v2 is still in preview and quite different from V1, but we'd love your feedback! For more info on V2, V1 and how these projects are being developed check out our V2 proposal.
それでは「Copilot CLI」をローカルにいれてみます.インストールは macOS と Linux の2つの方法がありますが,僕は macOS なのでインストール用のコマンド一発で簡単に導入できました.
» curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/copilot https://github.com/aws/copilot-cli/releases/download/v0.1.0/copilot-darwin-v0.1.0 && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/copilot && copilot --help % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 634 100 634 0 0 1350 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1348 100 37.9M 100 37.9M 0 0 107k 0 0:06:02 0:06:02 --:--:-- 119k 👩<200d>✈️ Launch and manage applications on Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate. Commands Getting Started 🌱 init Create a new ECS application. docs Open the copilot docs. Develop ✨ app Commands for applications. Applications are a collection of services and environments. env Commands for environments. Environments are deployment stages shared between services. svc Commands for services. Services are long-running Amazon ECS services. Release 🚀 pipeline Commands for pipelines. Continuous delivery pipelines to release services. deploy Deploy your service. Settings ⚙️ version Print the version number. completion Output shell completion code. Flags -h, --help help for copilot -v, --version version for copilot Examples Displays the help menu for the "init" command. `$ copilot init --help`
CLI をインストールできたので,サンプルアプリケーションのデプロイをやってみます.なお,裏で AWS CLI を利用しているため予めaws configure
Copilot CLI を使ったサンプルアプリケーションのデプロイウォークスルー
サンプルアプリケーションはこのリポジトリで公開されていますので,ローカルに pull してきます.静的コンテンツをコンテナに乗せて公開するものになってます.
まず,copilot init
コマンドでローカル環境のセットアップをします.アプリケーション名,サービスのタイプ(フロントエンドかバックエンドか),サービス名,Dockerfile の場所を指定するだけで完了します.
» copilot init Note: It's best to run this command in the root of your Git repository. Welcome to the Copilot CLI! We're going to walk you through some questions to help you get set up with an application on ECS. An application is a collection of containerized services that operate together. Application name: sample-app Service type: Load Balanced Web Service Service name: front-end Dockerfile: ./Dockerfile Ok great, we'll set up a Load Balanced Web Service named front-end in application sample-app listening on port 80. ✔ Created the infrastructure to manage services under application sample-app. ✔ Wrote the manifest for service front-end at copilot/front-end/manifest.yml Your manifest contains configurations like your container size and port (:80). ✔ Created ECR repositories for service front-end.
» tree . ├── CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md ├── CONTRIBUTING.md ├── Dockerfile ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── copilot │ └── front-end │ └── manifest.yml └── index.html
はcopilot init
かcopilot svc init
実行した結果を CloudFormation テンプレートに変換したファイルです.CloudFormation テンプレートを書く手間を省けるのと,CloudFormation の記法を気にせず環境構築のコードが出来上がるのは開発者としてだいぶ負担が減るなと思います.
# The manifest for the "front-end" service. # Read the full specification for the "Load Balanced Web Service" type at: # https://github.com/aws/amazon-ecs-cli-v2/wiki/Manifests#load-balanced-web-svc # Your service name will be used in naming your resources like log groups, ECS services, etc. name: front-end # The "architecture" of the service you're running. type: Load Balanced Web Service image: # Path to your service's Dockerfile. build: ./Dockerfile # Port exposed through your container to route traffic to it. port: 80 http: # Requests to this path will be forwarded to your service. # To match all requests you can use the "/" path. path: '/' # You can specify a custom health check path. The default is "/" # healthcheck: '/' # Number of CPU units for the task. cpu: 256 # Amount of memory in MiB used by the task. memory: 512 # Number of tasks that should be running in your service. count: 1 # Optional fields for more advanced use-cases. # #variables: # Pass environment variables as key value pairs. # LOG_LEVEL: info # #secrets: # Pass secrets from AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store. # GITHUB_TOKEN: GITHUB_TOKEN # The key is the name of the environment variable, the value is the name of the SSM parameter. # You can override any of the values defined above by environment. #environments: # test: # count: 2 # Number of tasks to run for the "test" environment.
それでは,コンテナの環境構築とアプリケーションのデプロイをします.なお,記事の構成上分離していますが,copilot init
All right, you're all set for local development. Deploy: Yes ✔ Created the infrastructure for the test environment. - Virtual private cloud on 2 availability zones to hold your services [Complete] - Virtual private cloud on 2 availability zones to hold your services [Complete] - Internet gateway to connect the network to the internet [Complete] - Public subnets for internet facing services [Complete] - Private subnets for services that can't be reached from the internet [Complete] - Routing tables for services to talk with each other [Complete] - ECS Cluster to hold your services [Complete] - Application load balancer to distribute traffic [Complete] ✔ Linked account XXXXXXXXXXXX(AWSアカウント番号) and region ap-northeast-1 to application sample-app. ✔ Created environment test in region ap-northeast-1 under application sample-app. Sending build context to Docker daemon 77.82kB Step 1/3 : FROM nginx latest: Pulling from library/nginx 8559a31e96f4: Already exists 8d69e59170f7: Pull complete 3f9f1ec1d262: Pull complete d1f5ff4f210d: Pull complete 1e22bfa8652e: Pull complete Digest: sha256:21f32f6c08406306d822a0e6e8b7dc81f53f336570e852e25fbe1e3e3d0d0133 Status: Downloaded newer image for nginx:latest ---> 2622e6cca7eb Step 2/3 : EXPOSE 80 ---> Running in ff4d317656d1 Removing intermediate container ff4d317656d1 ---> 26762c0d19ed Step 3/3 : COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html ---> 418ae089702d Successfully built 418ae089702d Successfully tagged XXXXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/sample-app/front-end:f8d65d4 Login Succeeded The push refers to repository [XXXXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/sample-app/front-end] f2ed02c7c10a: Pushed f978b9ed3f26: Pushed 9040af41bb66: Pushed 7c7d7f446182: Pushed d4cf327d8ef5: Pushed 13cb14c2acd3: Pushed f8d65d4: digest: sha256:234bf1c50d5b5b0f27abaec5be3e2b33cf1f81f0caa3f3a5c015cb0610e79004 size: 1570 ✔ Deployed front-end, you can access it at http://XXXX.ap-northeast-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
にアクセスしてみるとコンテンツが表示されました.ここまでターミナルのウィザードに沿って選択肢を選ぶだけで ECS クラスター環境とコンテナを動かし,コンテンツのデプロイがシュッと完了しました.
サンプルアプリケーションの実行環境削除もcopilot app delete --env-profiles test=default
一発で終わり,CloudFormation スタックを削除する動きをとります.環境作りから削除までターミナルで完結できました.
» copilot app delete --env-profiles test=default Are you sure you want to delete application sample-app? Yes ✔ Deleted service front-end from environment test. ✔ Deleted service front-end resources from application sample-app. ✔ Deleted service front-end from application sample-app. ✔ Deleted environment test from application sample-app. ✔ Cleaned up deployment resources. ✔ Deleted application resources. ✔ Deleted application configuration. ✔ Deleted local .workspace file.
「Copilot CLI」でのコンテナ環境構築とアプリケーションデプロイをさらいました.少ないコマンドで環境構築もデプロイもスピーディーに(シュッと)できました.「ecs-cli」の後継ツールとして今後利用される機会が増えていくものと予想されるので,ベータ版の頃から触って関わっていく機会だと思い,僕もこれから使っていきたいです.この記事で「Copilot」を使ってみるきっかけになれば幸いです.