「AWS Coplilot CLI」がv0.2.0
になった時に追加されたcopilot storage init
コマンドがあります.このコマンドで S3 もしくは DynamoDB を ECS のアプリケーションと関連づけられ,デプロイする時も一緒に展開されます.今回はストレージリソースを追加するコマンドでどんなことができるのかを観つつ,実際に AWS 上にリソースを作成してみます.
copilot storage init でリソースを足してみる
copilot storage init
で S3 と DynamoDB をリソースを足してデプロイして動作を確認してみます.
S3 をストレージリソースに指定する場合
copilot storage init
で copilot-sandbox-bucket
という S3 バケットを作り,front-end
» copilot storage init -n copilot-sandbox-bucket -t S3 -s front-end ✔ Wrote CloudFormation template for S3 Bucket copilot-sandbox-bucket at front-end/addons/copilot-sandbox-bucket.yml The Cloudformation template is a nested stack which fully describes your resource, the IAM policy necessary for an ECS task to access that resource, and outputs which are injected as environment variables into the Copilot service this addon is associated with. Recommended follow-up actions: - Update your service code to leverage the injected environment variable `COPILOTSANDBOXBUCKET_NAME` - Run `copilot svc deploy --name front-end` to deploy your storage resources to your environments.
» tree . └── front-end ├── addons │ └── copilot-sandbox-bucket.yml └── manifest.yml 2 directories, 2 files
addons ディレクトリにできた CloudFormation の中身
の中にできた CloudFormation テンプレートもみてみましょう.S3 とバケットポリシー と IAM ポリシーが作られるようになっています.S3 バケット名はアプリケーション名-環境名-サービス名-copilot-sandbox-bucket
Parameters: App: Type: String Description: Your application's name. Env: Type: String Description: The environment name your service, job, or workflow is being deployed to. Name: Type: String Description: The name of the service, job, or workflow being deployed. Resources: copilotsandboxbucket: Type: AWS::S3::Bucket DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: AccessControl: Private BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 BucketName: !Sub '${App}-${Env}-${Name}-copilot-sandbox-bucket' PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: true BlockPublicPolicy: true copilotsandboxbucketBucketPolicy: Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: ForceHTTPS Effect: Deny Principal: '*' Action: 's3:*' Resource: - !Sub ${ copilotsandboxbucket.Arn}/* - !Sub ${ copilotsandboxbucket.Arn} Condition: Bool: "aws:SecureTransport": false Bucket: !Ref copilotsandboxbucket copilotsandboxbucketAccessPolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy Properties: Description: !Sub - Grants CRUD access to the S3 bucket ${Bucket} - { Bucket: !Ref copilotsandboxbucket } PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: S3ObjectActions Effect: Allow Action: - s3:GetObject - s3:PutObject - s3:PutObjectACL - s3:PutObjectTagging - s3:DeleteObject - s3:RestoreObject Resource: !Sub ${ copilotsandboxbucket.Arn}/* - Sid: S3ListAction Effect: Allow Action: s3:ListBucket Resource: !Sub ${ copilotsandboxbucket.Arn} Outputs: copilotsandboxbucketName: Description: "The name of a user-defined bucket." Value: !Ref copilotsandboxbucket copilotsandboxbucketAccessPolicy: Description: "The IAM::ManagedPolicy to attach to the task role" Value: !Ref copilotsandboxbucketAccessPolicy
ECS と一緒に S3 が作成されるかを見るために試しにデプロイします.front-end
» copilot svc deploy -n front-end -e test Sending build context to Docker daemon 97.28kB Step 1/3 : FROM nginx ---> 2622e6cca7eb Step 2/3 : EXPOSE 80 ---> Using cache ---> 26762c0d19ed Step 3/3 : COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html ---> Using cache ---> 418ae089702d Successfully built 418ae089702d Successfully tagged XXXXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/s3-test-app/front-end:594bd85 Login Succeeded The push refers to repository [XXXXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/s3-test-app/front-end] f2ed02c7c10a: Pushed f978b9ed3f26: Pushed 9040af41bb66: Pushed 7c7d7f446182: Pushed d4cf327d8ef5: Pushed 13cb14c2acd3: Pushed 594bd85: digest: sha256:234bf1c50d5b5b0f27abaec5be3e2b33cf1f81f0caa3f3a5c015cb0610e79004 size: 1570 ✔ Deployed front-end, you can access it at http://s3-te-Publi-1LSK6S09DLXSM-500018808.ap-northeast-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
ECS クラスターと一緒にs3-test-app-test-front-end-copilot-sandbox-bucket
削除する時の注意点として S3 バケットは削除されません.CloudFormation テンプレート(本記事でいう copilot-sandbox-bucket.yml
)で DeletionPolicy: Retain
DynamoDB をストレージリソースに指定する場合
copilot storage init
で copilot-sandbox-table
という DynamoDB のテーブルを作り,Email というパーティションキーと UserId というソートキーを設定して,front-end
というサービスに関連づけるようにコマンドを実行しました.S3 の時と同様に,front-end
» copilot storage init -n copilot-sandbox-table -t DynamoDB -s front-end --partition-key Email:S --sort-key UserId:N --no-lsi ✔ Wrote CloudFormation template for DynamoDB Table copilot-sandbox-table at copilot/front-end/addons/copilot-sandbox-table.yml The Cloudformation template is a nested stack which fully describes your resource, the IAM policy necessary for an ECS task to access that resource, and outputs which are injected as environment variables into the Copilot service this addon is associated with. Recommended follow-up actions: - Update your service code to leverage the injected environment variable `COPILOTSANDBOXTABLE_NAME` - Run `copilot svc deploy --name front-end` to deploy your storage resources to your environments.
» tree . └── front-end ├── addons │ └── copilot-sandbox-table.yml └── manifest.yml 2 directories, 2 files
addons ディレクトリにできた CloudFormation の中身
の中にできた CloudFormation テンプレートもみてみましょう.ざっとみると,DynamoDB と IAM ポリシーが作られるようになっています.DynamoDB のテーブル名はアプリケーション名-環境名-サービス名-copilot-sandbox-table
Parameters: App: Type: String Description: Your application's name. Env: Type: String Description: The environment name your service, job, or workflow is being deployed to. Name: Type: String Description: The name of the service, job, or workflow being deployed. Resources: copilotsandboxtable: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table DeletionPolicy: Retain Properties: TableName: !Sub ${App}-${Env}-${Name}-copilot-sandbox-table AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: Email AttributeType: "S" - AttributeName: UserId AttributeType: "N" BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST KeySchema: - AttributeName: Email KeyType: HASH - AttributeName: UserId KeyType: RANGE copilotsandboxtableAccessPolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy Properties: Description: !Sub - Grants CRUD access to the Dynamo DB table ${Table} - { Table: !Ref copilotsandboxtable } PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Sid: DDBActions Effect: Allow Action: - dynamodb:BatchGet* - dynamodb:DescribeStream - dynamodb:DescribeTable - dynamodb:Get* - dynamodb:Query - dynamodb:Scan - dynamodb:BatchWrite* - dynamodb:Create* - dynamodb:Delete* - dynamodb:Update* - dynamodb:PutItem Resource: !Sub ${ copilotsandboxtable.Arn} - Sid: DDBLSIActions Action: - dynamodb:Query - dynamodb:Scan Effect: Allow Resource: !Sub ${ copilotsandboxtable.Arn}/Index/* Outputs: copilotsandboxtableName: Description: "The name of this DynamoDB." Value: !Ref copilotsandboxtable copilotsandboxtableAccessPolicy: Description: "The IAM::ManagedPolicy to attach to the task role." Value: !Ref copilotsandboxtableAccessPolicy
DynamoDB のリソースが作られるかを確認するためにデプロイします.front-end
» copilot svc deploy -n front-end -e test Sending build context to Docker daemon 97.28kB Step 1/3 : FROM nginx ---> 2622e6cca7eb Step 2/3 : EXPOSE 80 ---> Using cache ---> 26762c0d19ed Step 3/3 : COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html ---> Using cache ---> 418ae089702d Successfully built 418ae089702d Successfully tagged XXXXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/dynamo-test-app/front-end:594bd85 Login Succeeded The push refers to repository [XXXXXXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/dynamo-test-app/front-end] f2ed02c7c10a: Pushed f978b9ed3f26: Pushed 9040af41bb66: Pushed 7c7d7f446182: Pushed d4cf327d8ef5: Pushed 13cb14c2acd3: Pushed 594bd85: digest: sha256:234bf1c50d5b5b0f27abaec5be3e2b33cf1f81f0caa3f3a5c015cb0610e79004 size: 1570 ✔ Deployed front-end, you can access it at http://dynam-Publi-1J6Y56CHUQZF1-2062355131.ap-northeast-1.elb.amazonaws.com.
ECS クラスターと一緒にdynamo-test-app-test-front-end-copilot-sandbox-table
で追加されたcopilot storage init
コマンドでできることと実際にリソースの作成を試してみました.サービスで指定した ECS リソース以外にも S3 や DynamoDB を利用したアーキテクチャを採用したい時にこのコマンドが役立つと思います.次はcopilot pipeline